Bankruptcy Guide (Page 4)
How To Buy A House In Less Than 2 Years Of Bankruptcy
Should you ever face the unfortunate experience of filing bankruptcy chances are that you will see someone else who is filing bankruptcy for the 2nd time or maybe even the 3rd time. This simple means that although bankruptcy hampers your credit ratings substantially, it’s not impossible to get credit, you just have to know how. More importantly, you should try not to get into the same situation... ❯❯❯
Bankruptcy and Useful Tips for Avoiding It
The Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer Protection Act was passed in early 2005 with the intention of reforming American bankruptcy law as we know it. The existing laws, according to Congress and the credit card companies, allowed too many debtors who might be capable of repaying at least some of their debts to have them wiped away by the courts. The new law was intended, rightly or wrongly, to... ❯❯❯
Rebuilding Credit after Bankruptcy - 3 Things to Know
Now that you’ve filed bankruptcy and gotten rid of all of your debts, you want begin rebuilding your credit. Regardless of your reasons for filing bankruptcy -- doctor bills, divorce, job loss, or even just carelessness -- the best way to prove to lenders that you don’t want to end up in the same situation again is to build new, good credit. This article discusses three things you need to know... ❯❯❯
Are Student Loans Dischargeable When You Fill for Bankruptcy?
Student debt and “undue hardship” If you are buried deep in debt but your debt is mainly student debt you may want to reconsider bankruptcy since almost all student loans are non-dischargeable. The law is clear when it comes to student loan debt: Unless repayment causes the debtor undue hardship, courts won’t allow discharge of student debt. The above is applicable to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and... ❯❯❯